
Another trip to our mystery site today. As usual hopes were high before the dig, and today we were not disappointed as the tip produced a few more goodies.
Plenty of codds came out in this session, includng four nice 6oz. for Stephen which were added to the collection. I pulled out a further six, all 10oz. but nothing spectacular, and destined for eBay unfortunately and not the shelves. Gingers were rather thin on the ground, although Stephen did get a nice Westmacott of Manchester. Another Thomas & Edwards, Carnarvon for me, together with one more pristine blue top Hill, Llandudno. This is the best I have had and goes straight on the shelf replacing the one I already had. Always a good day when this happens. Other highlights for me were two nice poisons. One a nice 8oz rectangular section, embossed "Poisonous Not to be Taken," with a nice monogram on the back and a Registered Number (590540), and what is apparently a rare and desirable bottle: a cylindrical example five and a half inch tall, with five rows of "bumps." Sadly this has a chipped lip, and is really badly cracked more or less all the way around the shoulder. A pity, but still good enough to add to the general collection. Two other nice bottles which will be added to the collection were a half pint beer and a small size coffin flask from William Rowlands, Wine & Spirit Merchants, Bangor & Llangefni. The coffin will go nicely with the large size I dug on here earlier in the year.
Stephen had never dug a lid before today. (Never a prolific area for lids is our little corner of North Wales, I've only ever dug three in all the years I've been collecting). However a shout of "I've got a lid" from his hole revealed a lovely example of the William Darling, Manchester, American Dentifrice lid. Not long after he managed to double his tally with a nice Army & Navy Co-operative Society Ltd. Home Made Potted Meats lid. And just to cap the day off nicely he pulled out a nice little Boots Cash Chemists Cold Cream lid at the end. A good day indeed.
A great result on what turned out to be our last visit of the year to our mystery site. We will definitely be returning here as and when the land owner allows us on his land. Also a big thank you to him for his generosity. The only down point of the day was the weather. It turned out to be so cold at the end of the afternoon that a bottle of Coke froze!!! By the time we got back to the car my hands were frozen and I had lost all feeling in my fingers. At least the results were rather hotter!!
The lids. William Darling, Manchester, American Dentifrice:

Army & Navy Co-operative Society Ltd. Home Made Potted Meats:

Boots Cash Chemists Cold Cream:

Four local 6oz. codds:

A nice Westmacott Manchester ginger:

My haul for the day:

An unusual blue poison (front):

Rear of the same bottle:

Apparently a rare and desirable poison, sadly chipped and badly cracked: