
We returned to our well hammered site today with the intention of reopening Boxing Day's hole and taking it down further. It turned out to be a glorious sunny day, more like summer than mid-winter. Our weather is really strange at times. We managed to get down a lot deeper today, but most of the finds came out of the seam we hit the other day at about five foot down. Any deeper than that and it was purely barren ash with not even bits in it. Again we didn't have a full day to dig so didn't manage to bottom out, and it was quite dark when we finished the filling in.
Not a lot of quality, although there was plenty of finds, perhaps the best of the lot was the amber Riley that Stephen pulled out. A few codds and beers, and the saddest find of the day: a bust 6oz. Rhyl Mineral Water Co. codd with the cricket bat and bails trade mark. Strangest find of the day must be the gun that Stephen found. Wonder why it was thrown into the tip at the time, perhaps it was involved in a crime??
Stephen has a breather early on:

A few of the early finds, most went back into the hole:

Stephen hard at it:

Nice fresh ash:

Plenty of ash shifted, not a lot of finds:

Stephen the sharp shooter:

A close-up of the gun:

Approaching the end of the day, backfilling and caving in:

Taking a short breather:

My take home gear:

Bust Rhyl cricket codd:

Stephen's take home:

The amber Riley: