
We decided to return to the Gasworks today to carry on with the holes we started last week. It still took a while to cut through the gravelly material so that we had comfortably sized holes to work in, but once we were through we began to make good time, or rather as good a time as years of inactivity permitted. I was aching all over last week, and the old muscles had stiffened considerably over the next few days. Today I was ready for the aches and pains.
Judging by the bottles that were coming out, we were digging a 1930's section of the tip. Loads of clear glass and screw tops, and the usual large number of glass and pottery jam jars too. There were one or two surprises as well, wiith a lovely pictorial "BROOKE & PRUDENCIO" of Bristol ginger making an appearance, as well as a nice pottery spittoon. The total finds for the day included the above two items, together with a couple of aqua crown lip "CASTLE MINERAL WATER WORKS" minerals. One sad find was a broken "ROYAL HOTEL, CARNARVON" cream jug.
Stephen finally getting some depth:

One of the holes:

The gravelly hard seam can be clearly seen here:

Today's finds: